Why invest in Indonesia?

• Indonesia is the 4th best destination where to invest in the world in 2020.

• Indonesia has experienced a average annual growth of 16% in the international tourism market (2010-2019).

• In 2018, the growth of domestic tourism increased by 12%, totaling 303,4 million trips.

• Bali represents 40% of Indonesian tourism since 2013 which ranks Bali in the 1st place of the destinations of Indonesia

• Tourism in Bali is showing a strong growth rate with a annual average of 18,5% since 2013.

• Indonesia's economic growth with a GDP of 5% and a trade balance exceeding $ 1000 billion ranks highest. 16th in the world since 2016.

TripAdvisor this year ranks Bali as the world's top tourist destination.

* All these data have been collected on the OECD tourism site and cross-referenced with other statistical sites.